

Gambling participation continues to increase in 宾西法尼亚, researchers report

Online and offline gambling has continued increasing rapidly in 宾西法尼亚 since its legalization in 2017, according to the latest 宾西法尼亚 Interactive Gaming Assessment: Online Gambling Report 2023. The report was developed by Penn State’s Criminal Justice Research Center under contract with the 宾西法尼亚 Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
Head of Lion Shrine and Shield graphic

New collaboration expands educational opportunities in 宾西法尼亚

Penn State’s Commonwealth Campuses and the state’s community colleges have announced a new collaboration aimed at expanding educational opportunities in 宾西法尼亚 and removing barriers to degree completion among college students. The collaboration builds upon long-standing relationships between the campuses and the community colleges and a shared commitment to access and affordability in higher education. 
“’Where Beauty’s At’: Expressions of Black Visual Culture” exhibition graphic

Penn State campuses celebrate, commemorate Black History Month

The last week of February 2024 still offers a few events across campuses for Black History Month, including at Penn State Brandywine, 哈里斯堡, 迪金森法律, 利哈伊谷, Shenango, 和纽约. 除了, several exhibits are still available to visitors at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Park, Brandywine and 哈里斯堡.