Competition prepares students for careers in the global 业务 environment


Students from 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 and Germany's Hof University collaborated on developing a real world solution for 业务 challenge presented by a company with operations in the Philadelphia region.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 has collaborated with a German university for more than a decade to design competitions that provide students with international 业务 experiences. The latest iteration took place recently when 10 students from Hof University of the Applied Sciences joined 10 阿宾顿 students to develop a real-world 业务 solution for a European company with operations in the Philadelphia region. 

教师 mentors mingled students from 阿宾顿 and Hof to create five teams, the group traveled to NETZSCH Premier Technologies' facilities in Exton for the discovery phase.  

NETZSCH高管及其总裁提出的问题, 朱利亚诺Albiero, examined the case for the firm to potentially sell its equipment in the alternative proteins market, 指的是食物, 成分, 或者含有非动物来源蛋白质的饮料. 这一细分市场正变得越来越重要, 受到全球人口增长的刺激, 气候变化, 供应链的挑战. 

Among the factors the teams needed to consider while unearthing supporting research and developing a rationale for their plans: 

  • A new 业务 strategy: They needed to convince NETZSCH executives to sell equipment to the alternative proteins market and to present a go-to-market blueprint for generating new 业务 in this emerging market. 

  • Pricing justification and competition: The price of the company’s products is substantially higher than its competitors' prices. 然而,质量和客户支持是优越的.  

  • Global experience: The company has a worldwide presence as opposed to many competitors who only sell to specific regions. 

从一开始, the competition reflected the realities of the professional environment: managing tight deadlines and cross-cultural relationships, 以及掌握技能和突破极限. 在现场进行初步研究后, the teams then met at 阿宾顿 over two days to develop and refine their proposals. The students formally presented their ideas to NETZSCH executives at the Microsoft Technology Center in Malvern.  

Two members of the winning team said the competition imparted important lessons. 

"You don't have to speak the same language fluently to get the work done effectively. The case competition will be great for my portfolio and knowing how to sell a pitch to a company is useful for my professional life,穆罕默德·曼萨拉, 一位高级 信息科学与技术 来自阿宾顿的少校说.  

大四学生尼古拉斯·根塞尔(Nicholas Gensel)说 项目和供应链管理 major from 阿宾顿, effectively managing resources and relying on the team were key takeaways. 

“这次比赛对我的职业发展非常有价值. Being able to say that I helped tackle a serious issue for a respected company is something that will surely stand out on my résumé,他说. 

Juliane Foof and Ingrid Gunther from Hof are the other members of the winning team, each of whom will be eligible for internship opportunities at NETZSCH facilities in Germany and the United States as their prize. 

Participation in these types of competitions are highly sought out by students, according to 托马斯•斯通,副教授 业务 商业项目主席.  

“I can't think of a better way to prepare 阿宾顿 students for 业务 careers. They had to learn a new company and industry in a few short days while balancing their other obligations,他说. 

Four 阿宾顿 faculty served as mentors for the competition: Stone; Peter Hornberger, 管理与创业讲师,项目协调员 阿宾顿LaunchBox entrepreneurship hub; Kevin Mayhew, lecturer in 业务; and 乔·奥克斯,副教授,项目主席 信息技术, 计算机科学, 网络安全分析与运营. 霍夫商学院的Tina Wiegand和Max Walter也加入了他们的行列. 

“We are very fortunate for the friendship we have with 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校. It was more than just communities of purpose that formed in the American-German working groups. Friendly relationships have been forged that have the potential to last beyond the day. If we teachers succeed in building bridges between our nations and cultures, then we will have done more for the future than just educating capable people,沃尔特说。. 

比赛是由 Margaret Germer/Ruth Taub商业领导力基金会


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