Abington alumnus funds STEM scholarship

Abington STEM scholarship

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校学生Jannat Khalid(中), 谁获得了第一届芭芭拉·德弗洛里奥·戈森奖学金, 是由弗雷德·戈森和他的搭档陪同的, Joan.

Credit: Penn State

ABINGTON, Pa. ——弗雷德·戈森,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜1964届的毕业生,将是第一个承认他选择就读的人 Penn State Abington was a practical one. 他在费城洛根附近长大,毕业于中央高中, 一想到能够通勤上学, and only pay for tuition, was an attractive one.

弗雷德在完成大学公园分校的学位之前,在阿宾顿校区待了两年. 直到几年后他和他已故的妻子回到母校, Barbara, that he saw Abington through a new lens.

“几年后和芭芭拉一起回到校园,就像用新的眼睛看到了它,”他说. “她打开了我的眼界,让我看到在这里度过那些年是多么可爱、多么迷人.”

Looking back, 戈森认为,那一刻让他重新回到了他开始大学生涯的地方, 2011年芭芭拉去世后,他将继续在这里纪念她的遗产.

Now, 通过设立芭芭拉·德弗洛里奥·戈森奖学金, Gorsen认可Barbara在系统分析方面的成就, cyber security, and risk assessment, as well as her passion for science, technology, engineering, 和数学(STEM)的奖学金,这将进一步推动新一代学生的梦想.

Barbara, 她以优异的成绩毕业于史密斯学院并获得数学学位, went on to earn her master’s degree, also in mathematics, from the University of Maryland. She wasn’t just a leader in her field, according to Fred, 她是一位良师益友,激励着其他人, particularly, her younger female colleagues.

“Throughout her career, 芭芭拉明白帮助别人的重要性, especially women,” he said. “That’s the kind of person she was, and in that way, 我认为这个奖学金符合她的性格.”

Barbara’s exemplary leadership, which was so evident in her work, 继续激励着今天准备进入科学和技术领域的学生, according to Matthew A. Fury, 阿宾顿大学数学副教授兼科学与工程临时系主任.

“这项特殊奖学金将推动其获得者在阿宾顿的学位课程中成功探索STEM学科的美丽和意义,” he said.

"Scholarship support from Fred Gorsen, and many other philanthropic partners, 是帮助宾州州立大学完成授予土地的使命,确保获得世界一流大学教育的关键."


除了奖学金对戈森个人的意义之外, 他也切身体会到,如今的学生接受教育所面临的经济困难. 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的最后一年,戈森发现自己没有资金完成学业. 在1943届毕业生基金贷款的帮助下, 他能够收支相抵并按时毕业.

弗雷德说:“那最后的一点点钱让我坚持到了终点。. “想到这可能会对阿宾顿的一些学生起到同样的作用,感觉很好.”

That good feeling, shared by Penn State alumni like Gorsen, 继续惠及有资格的本科生,并加强大学对学生成功的坚定承诺, according to Margo DelliCarpini, chancellor of Penn State Abington.  

"Scholarship support from Fred Gorsen, and many other philanthropic partners, 是帮助宾州州立大学完成授予土地的使命,确保获得世界一流大学教育的关键,” she said.

今年秋天,弗雷德再次回到校园,这次是和他的搭档琼一起. Together, 他们有机会见到今年的奖学金获得者,并向芭芭拉持续而持久的影响表示敬意.

“自从芭芭拉去世后,我没有做过任何重要的事情, almost 10 years ago, and that really didn’t feel quite right,” says Fred. “这个奖学金感觉是向她致敬并分享她的完美方式.”

About “A Greater Penn State”

戈森的支持将推进“21世纪卓越的伟大推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜”,这是一项重点运动,旨在提升推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在一个以快速变化和全球联系为特征的世界中的领先公立大学地位. With the support of alumni and friends, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, innovation and entrepreneurship. 欲了解更多关于“21世纪卓越的更伟大的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜”,请访问 greaterpennstate.isakichi.net.

About Penn State Abington

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With about 3,700 students, 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您分校是一所住宿校园,提供23个专业的学士学位, undergraduate research, the Schreyer honors program, NCAA Division III athletics and more.
